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Texture Map

[Texture Map] nodes handle texture settings. A [Texture Map] node must be setup whenever Pencil+ uses a [Map] such as a [Size Map], a [Color Map] or a [Brush Map].

Source Type

Setup the map as an [Image] or an [Object Color].

Source Type

Image and UV

Image and UV settings are used for the map.

Texture Image Map


Create a new image.


Open an image to be used by the map.

Wrap Mode U / V

Control how the image is wrapped on each axis.


Tile the texture and create a repeating pattern.


Restrict the extent of the texture.


Tile the texture and create a repeating pattern where the texture is mirrored at each integer boundary.

Mirror Once

Mirror the texture once and then fix it.

Filter Mode


Enlarged textures become blocky.


Enlarged textures are smoothly averaged.

UV Source

Set the UV coordinates to apply texture mapping.


Set coordinates where the top-left of the screen is (0, 0) and the bottom-right is (1, 1).

Object UV

Refer to the texture coordinates of the mesh.

Selection Mode

Select the map using its [Index] or [Name]. This is active when the [UV Source] is [Object UV].


Select the map using the UV Maps index. With the default sorting order for the UV Maps displayed in the [UV Maps] panel of an object's [Object Data Properties], the top map has index 0. You can select up to index 7 at maximum. This is active when the [Selection Mode] is [Index].


Select the map by entering a UV Map name. You can find the names of UV maps in the [UV Maps] panel of an object's [Object Data Properties]. This is active when the [Selection Mode] is [Name]

Tiling U / V

Set how many times the map is tiled (repeated) along each axis.

Offset U / V

Move the position of UV coordinates mapping.

Object Color

Use the object's [Color Attributes] for the map.

Texture Object Color

Selection Mode

Select the map using its [Index] or [Name].


Select the map using the vertex color index. With the default sorting order for the vertex colors displayed in the [Color Attributes] panel of an object's [Object Data Properties], the top item has index 0. You can select up to index 7 at maximum. This is active when the [Selection Mode] is [Index].


Select the map by entering a vertex color name. You can find the names of vertex colors in the [Color Attributes] panel of an object's [Object Data Properties]. This is active when the [Selection Mode] is [Name].